
Epsilon is one of the powerful Editor for e-Pub/XML Conversion Projects. It is Developed by Lugaru Software Company, Japan.

Shortcuts in epsilon editor

1. Cut : ctrl+w
2. Copy : alt+w
3. Paste : ctrl+y
4. Save : ctrl-x,s
5. Goto end of the line : alt+right ARROW (or) ctrl+e

6. Goto starting of the line : alt+left arrow (or) ctrl+a
7. Goto starting of the document : ctrl+home
8. goto ending of the document : ctrl+end
9. goto particular line : ctrl-x,g [no.]
10. goto particular character :  ctrl+u

Note: In character movement, use right arrow instead of "enter" stroke.

goto particular character in particular line [Epsilon 13 version]: ctrl-x,g: linenumber:character number

eg: ctrl-x,g : 10:5

11. Bookmark set : alt+?

12. Jumping to bookmark : alt+j

13. searching : ctrl-s [forword search] [top to bottom search]
          : ctrl-r [reverse search] [bottom to top search]

14. replace : alt+r

Note Options in replacement:
"<" used for replace single item
 "spacebar" is used for move to next match term
  "n" used for skip replacement
   "shift+1" replace all at a time

15. line splitting : alt+shift+}
16. line wrapping : alt+shift+{

17. Storing in buffer : ctrl-x,x [key]

Here Key : (0-9), [A-Z]

18. Retriving from buffer : ctrl-x,y [key]

19. selecting data : ctrl+shift+home (and) ctrl+shift+end

20. undo : F9
21. redo : F10

22. color-mode : alt-x,html-mode

23. splitting epsilon window horizontally : ctrl-x,2

24. splitting epsilon window vertical : ctrl-x,5

25. showing one window active : ctrl+x,1
25a. Deleting Particular window: ctrl-x,0
26. moving cursor from one window to another window : alt+home (or) alt+end
27. uppercase: alt+u
28. Lowercase: alt+l
29. Sentense case: alt+c
30. Narrow to region: alt-x, narrow-to-region
31. Widen Buffer: alt-x, widden buffer
32. Directory: ctrl-x, ctrl-f
33. Fundamental mode: alt-x, fundamental-mode
34. Cancel: ctrl-G
35. Kill: ctrl-x,k
36. markset: ctrl+spacebar
37. Exact Case : ctrl-c

Macros: are used to automate the process

1. Starting of macro: ctrl-x, shift9
2. Closing of macro: ctrl-x, shift0
3. Binding to Key:
     alt-x, insert-macro
    alt-x, insert-binding

4. Loading of macros: alt-x, load-buffer
5. Default Execution: Ctrl-F4

Shift+F7: is used to replace matched content in all files of same folder at a time.

cmnd: Shift+F7

usage: ctls-s,*.*

Alt+F7(Grep): is used to search the pharse in all files of single folder

cmnd: Alt+F7

usage: ctls-s,*.*

Regular Expressions: are used to replace the items which having same syntax with different values
 cmnd: alt+shift+*

   Regular Expressions:
   1. Number: ([0-9]+)
   2. Character: ([a-z])
   3. String: (.+)


  1. I need to know what are the image formats needed to insert an image to an xml document using epsilon programmer's editor

    1. Plz insert image coding and the same time images are placed in images folder
      img src="images/imagename.jpg" alt=""/

  2. I want any pdf Epsilon.. Please send me..
