CSS: Cascading Stylesheets

We have Three types of Stylesheets

1.  Inline stylesheet (1%)
2. Internal Stylesheet (0%)
3. External Stylesheet (99%)

In our project, we are using 99% External Stylesheet only

Inline Style sheet:
In this, we can write styles in html opening tag.

Syntax: <htmltag style="property:value;">
eg: <p style="color:red;">

Disadvantage: For same tag, We can apply single Style at a time.

Internal Style sheet: In this, we can write styles in the head section of html page


<style type="text/css">

<style type="text/css">
<p>welcome to hyd</p>

External stylesheet: In this, we can write all styles in a separate document, link that document path to every html.

We can save stylesheet with ".css"

Syntax: We can declare the following syntax in each HTML Document in Header Part after title tag.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet.css"/>

CSS Syntax:


CSS Units: em, px, %,


1. Tag Selector: here we can apply styles to the html tag.

Disadvantage: By using these, only we can apply single Property to all elements

2. Class Selector:  we can apply styles to the class of the html tag.

class selectors are called by using "." operator


color: This Property is used to set the font color

eg: color:red;

background-color: is used to set background color

eg: background-color:green;

letter-spacing: is used to adjust space b/w letters.

eg: letter-spacing:2em;

word-spacing: is used to adjust space b/w words.

eg: word-spacing:2em;

margin-left: is used to give left side margin

eg: margin-left:2em;

margin-top: is used to give top side margin

eg: margin-top:2em;

margin-bottom: is used to give bottom side margin

eg: margin-bottom:2em;

margin-right: is used to give right side margin

eg: margin-right:2em;

text-indent: is used to give indent nature to the para.

eg: text-indent:1.5em;

text-decoration:underline   is used to give underline effect

eg: text-decoration:underline;

text-decoration:overline   is used to give overline to the text.

eg: text-decoration:overline;

text-decoration:line-through  is used to give striking effect.


text-decoration:none  is used to remove link underline.


text-align:center  is used to give center alignment to the data.

eg: text-align:center;

text-align:right  is used to give right alignment to the data.

eg: text-align:right;

text-align:justify  is used to give justify alignment to the data.

eg: text-align:justify;

font-size: is used to incerease/decrease the font-size
eg: font-size:200%;

font-weight:bold  is used to give bold nature to the text.
eg: font-weight:bold;

font-style:italic  is used to give italic nature to the text.
eg: font-style:italic;

border: is used to give box model to the text.
syntax: border:border-width border-style border-color;
eg: border:1px solid black;

Different border-styles are

1. dotted
2. dashed
3. double
4. solid

border-left: is used to give left side border only.
eg: border-left:border-width border-style border-color;

eg: border-left:1px solid black;

border-right: is used to give right side border only.

eg: border-right:1px solid black;

border-top: is used to give top side border only.
eg: border-top:1px solid black;

border-bottom  is used to give bottom side border only.
border-bottom:1px solid black;

padding-left: is used to adjust space b/w left side border to the text.

eg: padding-left:2em;

padding-top: is used to adjust space b/w top side border to the text.

eg: padding-top:2em;

padding-right: is used to adjust space b/w right side border to the text.

eg: padding-right:2em;

padding-bottom: is used to adjust space b/w bottom side border to the text.

eg: padding-bottom:2em;

Short-hand property:

padding:1em 3em 2em 4em;

Here 1em represents padding-top
3em represents padding-right
2em represents padding-bottom
4em represents padding-left

Note: short-end property always follow clock-wise direction.

border-radius: is used to give radius to the border

eg: border-radius:2em;

Span: is used to differentiate some data of para to the remaining para.

eg: <p>Welcome to <span class="red">epub Tutorial</span></p>

line-height: is used to adjust space b/w lines of the para.

eg: line-height:2em;


For Getting list/Hanging format, you can use following two properties

text-indent:-ve value;
margin-left:+ve value;



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